Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lack Of Business Sense In Our Industry

Ironically, you would think that a disaster response company, or recovery company would be a well oiled machine. It is amazing to me that there are so many of these so called, "When you need us, we will come" types of companies out there who themselves seem to not understand good business practices.

It is amazing in my studies and viewing of many disaster recovery companies, how many are so lost when it comes to even developing a business plan and giving their company players direction. The amount of "running by the seat of your pants" thinking which takes place is amazing. I do not wish to under estimate the great skill that many of them have to adapt to unfortunate situations. However, the amount of wasted effort, time and money is due to many of these companies not being solid from within.

I would have to say that I believe that over 87% of those companies out there who profess to be disaster response and recovery companies, do not have a strong business plan in place. Being in the "inner circle" of this industry I have seen how there is a large revolving door within these companies as it comes to holding long term employees. Many good people are used, abused and used up by companies whose main focus is, "the bottom line".

Having a strong economic engine is a must to run a company. However, there needs to be some business maintenance and mechanics which support the running of that engine, or it will bind up itself. Giving guidance and direction is vital to the success of any company out there today let alone the disaster response and recovery industry.

I am amazed that even the 90 day review is misunderstood and in many cases ignored in the DRR industry. Instead of looking at the 90 day review in the light to see if everyone is on the same page, and the company ideology is understood, it is looked at as a time to give a raise. That was not the purpose of the 90 review. It was to make sure that the employee has clear direction and understanding as to his or her responsibilities. It is also a time in which an employee can bring to the table insights which they have to make the company even better for the client.

Some of these companies have great marketing and little claymations and neat tag lines. However, internally they are a disaster themselves. This will effect the bottom line for the client and the time frame as to getting things back in place in a timely manner.

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